Wyviryn's Commissions


Sketch commissions are simple pieces that get across the focus of a drawing in the first stage of my process. Sketch Commissions will also lightly utilize my pencil shading details. Sketch commissions can be colored for a small extra fee and simply shaded for another (fees will be discussed directly between myself and the client), but will always be finalized as a cleaned up version of the initial sketch.

SizeBase Price


Lineart commissions are carefully inked pieces that bring the sketch into a more refined and clean piece. Lineart commissions will also utilize my pencil shading details in full.

SizeBase Price

Flat Color

Flat color commissions are colored versions of lineart commissions. Colors will be matched as closely to reference material as possible, and will be applied very carefully with great attention to details. They can feature a basic/abstract background or a simple flat color background.

SizeBase Price


Render commissions are fully completed pieces that feature very focused work on shading to make the art pop. Render commissions are made with heavy attention to detail and careful use of lighting.

SizeBase Price

Extras, Terms and Conditions


My commissions come with a handful of extra options that will affect the final pricing (Large Tie tier members of my Patreon and above receive a 15% discount on final commission prices!):

Extra OCs
Each additional character featured will add 75% of the base commission price to the piece (e.g. a $100 commission featuring a second character would become a $175 commission, a third character $250, and so on).
While suggestive art will not add anything to the price, direct NSFW requests (those which feature genitalia or overtly sexual acts) will incur a 10% addition to the final price (e.g. a $100 commission being made NSFW will become a $110 commission, a $150 will become $165, and so on).
Convention Badges
I offer the option to have a convention badge printed, laminated and mailed to the recipient. A piece being made into a badge will incur a $5 addition to the commission for printing and laminating, and shipping prices will be asked to be covered by the commissioner. If the badge is being delivered in person, no shipping coverage will be requested.

If you or someone you know is interested in commissioning me, feel free to contact me through my social media pages, through Discord, through Telegram, or write me an email! I'm always happy to chat and will respond to any messages as soon as I can!

Terms and Conditions

While I am not the fastest artist in the world, I pride myself on providing a positive and enjoyable experience when working with my clients. I will provide ample warning about time investments, as well as provide ample updates on commissions as they come. I do everything in my power to ensure proper and honest communication is maintained, and I always assure completion of a commission. My goal is to ensure that the final product you receive meets and exceeds expectations.

Complexity and Backgrounds
As with all artists, I reserve the right to adjust within reason the final pricing on commissions based on the complexity of a given request. All base prices listed above are minimums and subject to change should a commission request feature heavier details that would necessitate extra work time. With backgrounds, I will always provide at the very least an abstract background for Flat Color and Render commissions. While I am a character-focused artist, I am willing to discuss prices for additional background elements and negotiate an additional price that proves fair to all involved parties.
Commission Alterations
While I understand that not all adjustments will be caught in the first sketch, I try to have all details and adjustments settled before moving onto the lineart phase. If adjustments need to be made, I will make sure they are made satisfactorily before moving on.
My goal is to provide clients with a positive and enjoyable experience, as stated above, but I also reserve the right to accept and refuse commission requests for any reason, be it a request with which I am not comfortable, a client's behavior, or otherwise. Below is a list of Dos and Don'ts I will adhere to when discussing commission requests.
Suggestive Art
Basic Backgrounds
Original Characters
Any Species
New Designs
AI Art
Hateful/Offensive Materials
Copyrighted Characters
Overly Complex Designs
Real People/Human Beings